If I offered you a choice between these two magic pills, which one would you choose?
The Blue Pill
Gives you native speaking ability in one language.
The Red Pill
Gives you native listening ability in one language.
We can actually experience what the blue pill feels like right now.
Come with me and I’ll show you what I mean.
You take my hand and we fly through the night all the way to…I don’t know…Uzbekistan.
Capital: Tashkent
Official Language: Uzbek
We land on a busy street in downtown Tashkent.
“Phew, we made it!” you sigh with relief.
Me: Right. I want you to talk to the first person you see, but you have to do it in your first language?
You: What? In my first language?
Me: Yes. Just do it. I forgot to put my jacket on before we left and I’m getting cold.
You: Okay okay…Jeez! (To yourself) What a crybaby.
You approach the first Uzbek you see.
You: Hello, erm…nice day, isn’t it?
The Uzbek man you stop happens to be a particularly talkative person.
Uzbek man: Ha! Bu, albatta, do'stim. Men shunchaki ko'p odamlar bilan gaplashadigan sartaroshimga xuddi shu narsani aytdim va hamma bir xil narsani aytdi. Balki siz mening amakivachchamning kafesida kofe ichib, bu haqda ko'proq gaplashmoqchimisiz? To‘layman, albatta.
You: ...eh….
I approach.
Me: Do you see? We have already taken the blue pill for our first language.
You: OK…?
Me: But if we don't UNDERSTAND people when they speak, our ability to speak is almost useless!
You: OK. I think I understand. But couldn’t you have just explained that to me at home?
Me: Speaking and listening require action my friend. Here, it’s time to try the red pill. Take my hand….
You: Oh for goodness' sake...!
And off we fly into the chilly Uzbek sky.
This time I take you to watch a movie in a cinema in your town. You don’t say a word for the entire 90 minutes, but you love the film, and of course, you understand everything.
Me: Can you see now why listening is so important?
Angry Cinema-Goer: Shh!!!
Listening is the basis of true two-way communication, and of course, delightful conversations.
Which is why the first articles in this guide will focus on listening comprehension and the art of listening.